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Keith Andes
Keith Andes
Product Marketing Manager
EasyVista is a global software provider of intelligent solutions for enterprise service management, remote support.

EasyVista’s New Automated DDM Solution for CMDB Initiatives

28 February, 2024

Imagine the frustration: You’re knee-deep in a critical service outage, scrambling to identify the root cause, but your Configuration Management Database (CMDB) – supposedly the source of truth – offers little to no help.  

Inconsistent data.  

Incomplete asset records. 

A lack of visibility into dependencies.  

You’re left feeling blindfolded in a maze.  

Sound familiar?  

You’re not alone. Many organizations struggle with dysfunctional CMDBs, hindering their ability to manage IT effectively. 

Before getting into tools that help with your CMDB initiative, why invest in a CMDB in the first place? Here are the intended benefits: 

The Benefits of a Healthy CMDB: 

  • Improved Efficiency: Automate asset discovery and configuration management, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives. 
  • Faster Incident Resolution: Quickly identify the root cause of outages and service disruptions, minimizing downtime and impact on users. 
  • Better Change Management: Understand the potential impact of changes before they are implemented, reducing risks and ensuring smooth transitions. 
  • Informed Decision-Making: Gain valuable insights into your IT infrastructure to make data-driven decisions about resource allocation and investment. 

Remember, a healthy CMDB isn’t just for avoiding frustration during outages. It also lays a solid foundation for efficient IT management, improved service delivery, and ultimately, a more agile and responsive organization. For more information about CMDB’s check out our other article 

However, populating and managing your CMDB manually is an impossible task. So, ditch the chaos and embrace the power of automated DDM – your IT team and your business will thank you for it. 

Automation helps, but Isn’t Magic 

Automated Discovery and Dependency Mapping (DDM), also known as discovery and service mapping, tools promise to shed light on your IT infrastructure, automatically collecting data and revealing the intricate relationships between your applications, infrastructure, and configurations. That said, just buying an automated DDM tool isn’t a magic bullet—so many organizations fall into this trap. They implement their shiny new tool without proper planning. This leads to data integration issues, incomplete discovery, and ultimately, little improvement in their CMDB accuracy. 

So, how can you avoid their missteps and harness the true power of automated DDM? Here’s a roadmap to success in your CMDB initiative: 

Steps for CMDB Success Using Automated DDM 

  1. Ditch the Single Pane of Glass Myth: Forget trying to manage every single detail. There is a classic problem with this: diminishing returns. Remember, discovery is about finding assets. There is no end to looking for something that hasn’t been found yet. The value and dependency of each asset is not equal. Instead, prioritize the critical services that keep your IT environment running smoothly. By mapping dependencies between them, you can proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact users.
  2. Embrace Diverse Data Sources: Your CMDB shouldn’t be an island. Different tools and processes contribute valuable data. Choose an automated DDM solution that seamlessly integrates with various data feeds, ensuring a comprehensive and consistent view of your entire IT ecosystem.
  3. Conquer Data Inconsistencies: Unreliable data is the enemy of CMDB accuracy, and assets are going to be labeled differently in different systems. Look for automated DDM tools with robust normalization capabilities to automatically locate and reconcile discrepancies, ensuring your CMDB speaks a consistent language throughout.
  4. Let the Right Tool Be Your Guide: Carefully evaluate your needs and choose an automated DDM solution that offers the features and functionalities best suited for your environment. Don’t get swayed by flashy promises – focus on practical value and a smooth integration process.

By following these steps, you can avoid the pitfalls that plague many organizations and transform your CMDB from a burden into a strategic asset.  

EV Discovery: An Automated DDM Solution 

EV Discovery is brand new from the ground up, built directly into the EasyVista platform. This new offering sits alongside EV Service Manager (ITSM), EV Reach (Remote Support), and EV Observe (IT Monitoring). This holistic approach means seamless data exchange and streamlined workflows— fostering unprecedented collaboration between ITSM and I&O teams to deliver automated asset and configuration management. Benefits you can expect: 

  • Comprehensive Visibility – Gain a 360-degree view of your IT landscape and accurate information with the EV Discovery module.​ 
  • Increased Efficiency – Reduce manual efforts and free up your team by automating asset & configuration management.​ 
  • Seamless Integration – Our module seamlessly integrates with EV’s products, creating a unified platform with synchronized data, leading to improved collaboration and operational efficiency.​ 
  • Enhanced compliance – Stay effortlessly compliant with industry regulations and standards. EV Discovery helps you track changes and maintain audit trails.​ 
  • Future-Proof Scalability – Designed with scalability in mind, our module grows with your IT infrastructure and adoption of new technologies. 

If you are interested in this solution and the EasyVista platform for Empowering Your IT, please contact a sales consultant here.